fishing poles for catfish-Hends Angel Hair

Title 01 White Pearl 02 Metallic gold 03 Metallic Silver 06 Yellow Pearlescent 08 metallic red 09 Metallic red 11 Blue Pearlescent 13 Red Pearl 15 Metallic Grey 17 Violet Pearl 18 Blue Dk Pearlescent 20 Metallic Green 38 Metallic Brown 33 Holografic Silver 41 Pink Pearl 45 Peacock Bronze 46 Peacock Green 47 Peacock Blue 48 Black Violet 89 Chartreuse Pearl 94 Fluo Orange Pearl 99 Fl Yellow Pearl 211 Metallic Blue
From this material we can make the whole streamers that we sketch in with spirit felt-tip pens afterwards. We enhance the effect of the streamer by the addition of a very small amount of fibre (thread) made from a natural material.